
  • Our skin is the largest organ of our body and since it is porous, it absorbs whatever we put on it.
  • When it comes to beautiful and healthy skin, what we put “on” our body is as significant as what we put “in” our body.
What are the signs of healthy skin?
  • A clean and clear complexion is a good indicator of healthy skin.
  • Healthy skin looks and feels smooth.
What is the difference between facial and body skin?
  • Skin cells are smaller on the face than the rest of the body.
  • The skin on the face is thinner than the skin on the body. And there is thinner layer of fat under skin on the face.
  • The smaller cells and thinner layer of fat under the skin result in faster wrinkles and sensitivity of skin on the face.
  • There are more oils glands on the face than body which makes facial skin shinier and oilier.
What is the reason for buildup of dirt on face?
  • Since there are more number of hair follicles on the face in comparison to the same area of skin on the body, it is more prone to clogging of dirt and pollution.
  • While sweating these follicles release toxins leading to pimples and breakout.
What is the difference between facial and body skin care?
  • Facial skin needs special care because of its delicate nature.
  • Although face and body skin care products might contain the same basic ingredients, it is the blend of the active ingredients that make the difference.
What causes oily skin?
  • Facial skin has more oil glands than the rest of the body which makes the skin shiner and more oily.
  • Oil on the face is produced to lubricate the skin and to ward off bacteria has it has antimicrobial properties to protect the skin.


What causes dry skin?
  • Over cleansing of skin will strip the skin of its natural oils and prevent skin from function normally.



What gives skin its color?
  • Melanin is pigment that determines skin, hair and eye color.
  • Melanin is produced by skin cells when exposed to sun. The more sun exposure, the more melanin is produced.
What are the types of melanin?
  • Eumelanin – produces dark brown pigmentation and is the primary melanin type in individuals with darkly pigmented skin.
  • Pheomelanin – is a red-yellow colored pigment and the primary type of melanin in fair skinned individuals who are more prone to sun burn.